8 Homestead Road, Rivonia, Edenburg, South Africa

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 9AM - 5PM
Weekend: 8AM - 1PM

Our approach is flexible and collaborative; customized to the specific requirements and preferences of the client.

What we do

Our mandate is to provide comprehensive monitoring, evaluation, and learning services to organizations across a variety of sectors.

M&E Framework Development

Service entails assisting clients in developing comprehensive M&E frameworks tailored to their specific needs. (logical framework approach, Results framework, Theory of Change, Results-Based Management).

Data Collection and Analysis

Here clients will be supported in designing data collection methods, conducting surveys, interviews, and focus groups, and utilizing advanced analysis techniques. (data collection, analysis and reporting tools, templates, questionnaires, checklists).

Performance Monitoring

Assist clients to develop systems to monitor and track project progress, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and provide regular reports for informed decision-making. (Setting up Performance management plan; Indicator Performance Tracking Table; Data Quality Assurance Plan; Learning & adaptive management plan and Feedback-and-response mechanism flowchart plan)

Data Quality Assurance and Compliance

Helping clients develop systems to capture accurate, verified and relevant program data. System helps clients record high-quality data and in the correct format. (It includes designing Data Capture/Entry tools, templates and questionnaires that bring Data that can create new opportunities, enhance agility, and improve strategic insights).

Information Management System

Developing customized Information Management Systems for different sectors including Gender Based Violence projects, general protection services, WASH, access to justice/legal services, child protection, livelihood and economic empowerment projects, (specialist in Gender Violence Information Management system)


We help clients better document and report project activities, progress and impact as a measure of accountability to donors, government, partners and beneficiaries.

Impact Evaluation

Entails supporting clients to undertake rigorous impact evaluations to assess the effectiveness and sustainability of projects. (Research & End of project impact evaluation).

Accountability for Affected Persons

Help clients design customized system to increase beneficiary participation in project and also gather beneficiary feedback. (Establishment of Feedback & Response mechanism systems (AAP) and client satisfaction surveys).

Capacity Building

Clients have access to assorted training programs aimed at building M&E capacity within organizations. (data collection, report wiring, information management, case study/success story development).

Proposal Development

Help clients respond to solicited and unsolicited funding opportunities from different donor communities. (including concept note development, indicator development, project planning; design and setup).

We specialize in Project Design & Management; Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability & Learning.